Optimizing 40% of Restaurant Operations: A Case Study on Upgrading Order Systems for Customers and Admin Efficiency

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About Client:

Funwan, a food chain with two prime locations, was on the brink of expansion. As any growing business knows, scaling comes with its challenges. While growth is essential for success, Funwan’s operations were becoming harder to manage. The struggle was not just to maintain the high standards of food quality and service, but also to streamline operations across branches while reaching the right customers through marketing.

The Problem

Funwan’s existing POS system wasn’t designed to handle the complexities of a growing restaurant. Orders were manually entered, leading to delays. The inventory was difficult to track across locations, and the customer experience suffered due to long wait times and inconsistent service. Not to mention, Funwan was missing out on key data insights that could inform marketing strategies and drive sales.

They needed a solution that could do more than just take orders. They needed a system that could manage their entire operation, from the front-of-house experience to back-end administration. That’s when they reached out to teams.pk.

The Result

We stepped in with one goal in mind: to create a holistic, end-to-end restaurant ecosystem that would streamline operations and set Funwan up for restaurant pos system scalable success. The results were transformative—leading to a 40% faster ordering process, improved customer satisfaction, and targeted growth in sales.

Transforming Funwan's Operations

The Solution

1. Kiosk System:

To further enhance customer experience and reduce wait times, we introduced self-service kiosks. These allowed customers to independently browse the menu, place their orders, and make payments, freeing up staff to focus on food preparation and improving service efficiency.

a. User-friendly touchscreen

Customers could easily navigate a detailed menu with photos to personalize their orders.

b. Integrated payment terminal

Payments were processed immediately through the kiosk, eliminating the need to wait for a cashier.

c. Reduced wait time

By letting customers place their own orders, Funwan was able to reduce the time spent managing queues and boost order throughput.

2. Restaurant POS System

The first step in solving Funwan’s operational challenges was upgrading their POS system. Rather than just focusing on order entry, we implemented a comprehensive solution that handled sales, marketing, and daily operations all in one system. This ensured the restaurant could streamline their processes while making service faster and more efficient.

Inventory control

The system gave Funwan real-time inventory management for multiple branches, reducing stockouts and waste.

Multiple billing terminals

With additional terminals, customers were served faster, cutting down long queues.

Separate KOTs for food and drinks

Separate kitchen order tickets helped streamline the kitchen’s workflow, improving order accuracy and speed.

3. Kitchen Display System:

To improve kitchen efficiency, we implemented a Kitchen Display System that allowed the kitchen staff to see orders in real-time. This system centralized order management and prioritized orders based on time, ensuring faster preparation and better coordination between front and back of the house.

a. Real-time order tracking

The kitchen staff saw each order as it was placed, eliminating delays and confusion.

b. Order prioritization

A built-in timer helped staff focus on time-sensitive orders, ensuring prompt delivery.

c. Centralized system

Orders from all platforms (POS, Kiosk, etc.) were funneled into a single, easy-to-manage system.

4. Queue Screen:

To reduce the need for customers to constantly ask about the status of their order, we introduced a queue screen. This allowed customers to check their order’s progress in real-time and know when it was ready for pickup, significantly improving their overall dining experience.

Real-time updates

Customers could see the live status of their orders on a display screen, eliminating uncertainty.

Order notifications

The system announced order numbers when ready, so customers could pick up their food promptly.

Reduced staff workload

With the screen providing updates, staff no longer had to constantly answer inquiries about order status.

5. Admin Panel:

The admin panel became Funwan’s central hub for managing all aspects of their operations. With this feature, management had full visibility and control over the kitchen, POS, Kiosk, and KDS systems, allowing them to make real-time adjustments, track performance, and plan marketing campaigns with ease.

a. Menu management

Funwan could easily add, modify, or remove menu items across branches, maintaining consistency and flexibility.

b. Sales and inventory reports

The system generated detailed reports on sales performance and inventory levels, helping management make informed decisions.

c. Marketing tools

Integrated marketing features allowed Funwan to run targeted campaigns based on customer data, driving both sales and engagement.

Making It All Work Together


Our goal was to ensure that every system worked seamlessly. From customer orders to kitchen prep and payment, everything was integrated for maximum efficiency. Here’s how it was done:

Real-time data sync

Changes to inventory, orders, and menu were updated in real-time. This synchronization eliminated inconsistencies and made operations flow seamlessly.

Payment terminals

All systems (POS, kiosks, KDS) were connected to synchronized payment terminals, ensuring smooth transactions.

Staff training

We also provided full user training to Funwan’s staff, ensuring they could take full advantage of the system's features.

Technologies used:

A Transformed Restaurant


The changes quickly produced measurable improvements across Funwan’s operations, boosting both efficiency and customer satisfaction.

40% faster order processing

Streamlined systems cut wait times and allowed for quicker service.

Improved customer satisfaction

Self-service kiosks and queue screens reduced wait times and enhanced the customer experience.

Targeted marketing

Data-driven insights enabled more effective campaigns, increasing sales and attracting the right customers.

A Scalable Solution for Growth

Funwan approached us with a problem: their current systems were limiting their growth. By implementing an end-to-end restaurant ecosystem, we not only solved their immediate challenges but also laid the groundwork for future expansion. The combination of faster service, improved kitchen efficiency, and targeted marketing campaigns has set Funwan on a path to success.